Rates & Reservations

To reserve your cabin, please call or email us. 
Call 1-888-732-0272 | Email Us
Only week-long reservations will be accepted at this time, but after April 1 we will begin considering shorter stays.
We are not taking reservations for the fall of 2025.
Please call us with questions.

2025 Rates*

*These our the base rates of the cabins.  Each cabin is rated for two persons per bedroom

Additional persons (ages 2 and up) will be an additional person charge of $150 for the week, or $40 per night (plus taxes).  This will be applied at check out.  

Our rates tables are best viewed horizontally on mobile devices.
CABINS Guests Memorial

May 23-26
May 26-June 7

June 7-14
June 14-Aug 23

Aug 23-29
Labor Day

Aug 29-Sept 1
    3 Nights Weekly Daily Weekly Weekly Daily 6 Nights 3 Nights
6 Bedroom Cabins:
#19 12 2130 3568 595 4603 6899 1150 3867 2434
4 Bedroom Cabins:
#1 8 1023 1721 297 2216 3421 570 1862 1172
#18 8 1556 2616 435 3367 5200 867 2830 1782
#20 8 1599 2400 400 3000 4600 767 2500 1800
3 Bedroom Cabins Plus Loft:
#2 & #3 6 1129 1900 316 2446 3783 631 2057 1294
#11 6 1071 1801 299 2317 3573 596 1948 1226
#12 & #13 6 1000 1683 279 2167 3345 557 1823 1146
3 Bedroom Cabins:
#4 6 829 1394 231 1794 2772 462 1509 949
#8 6 1299 2000 333 2500 3900 650 2100 1500
#17 5 1052 1753 286 2220 3505 584 1870 1169
2 Bedroom Cabins:
#5 4 625 1052 175 1353 2081 347 1137 716
#6 4 945 1632 272 2117 3257 543 1663 1052
#7 & #10 4 829 1394 231 1794 2772 462 1509 949
#9 4 771 1297 216 1670 2578 430 1402 883
Lodge Rooms:
#14, #15, & #16 2 450 668 130 844 1297 216 722 514

Reservation Policies

To confirm and hold your reservation, a deposit of 50% is required. We accept VISA, Mastercard, or personal checks. Your phone reservation will be held for five days so your deposit can be mailed and received. If you cancel your reservation after March 1 your deposit will be refunded when, and only if, your cabin has been filled with a new reservation, less a $50 rebooking fee.

We do not allow pets, jet skis, fireworks, or camping. All cabins are “NO SMOKING”.